Virtual Worship
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The members of the Auburn Presbyterian Church invite everyone to join us in worship and fellowship.
Worship service: Sunday at 10:00am
Do you want to know about past sermons and announcements?

Know and Experience
By reading the Bible and studying the word of God, we strive to
help each person know, experience and live God’s love.
We welcome everyone to join us as we walk the journey of discerning God’s will for us.

Live and Share
As the body of Christ, we support and encourage each other in worship and in striving to be Christ’s light for God’s world. As a church family, we endeavor to live by the charge stated in (Hebrews 13:16), which states “to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Our church serves and supports missions at the local, national, and international level.
Join Us
The members of the Auburn Presbyterian Church are pleased to share our worship time with visitors.
- Worship Service: Sunday at 10:00 AM
- Adult Sunday School: Sunday at 11:15 AM
- Youth: Sunday at 9:00 AM
- Bible Study: Wednesday at 6:00PM
Our Mission
The Auburn Presbyterian Church strives to pursue the will of God by helping each person experience and share God’s love.
View our online calendar for all events that are coming in the future as well as our recent APC Newsletters: